One of the sharks we caught in our trawls.
I am still working on 'decompressing' from such an awesome experience aboard the NOAA ship, the Oregon II. When I hit the bed Saturday night I think I was out within 5 minutes. And to think, the crew and scientists aboard NOAA ships do this job over 200 days a year.
Thursday night before we arrived in Mississippi I woke up at 2100 hrs (9:00 pm) and thought I would take a look outside. The waters were still and looked like black glass. A crescent moon was shining over the gulf, and the stars were so abundant and bright. It was the most beautiful night I had seen since my July 1 voyage began.
Friday night was my last night on ship and I tried to stay awake to see the glow from the fires of the Deep Water Horizon..... but my body gave out to sleep. However, each night and day I could see oil rigs all along the voyage, especially Friday when we were traveling through "oil rig alley". I could not get over how many rigs were out there, which you can find many maps online that show where oil rigs are located.
Saturday at 0400 hrs (4:00 am) I woke up, I could feel the ship not moving. We were sitting outside of Pascagoula waiting until daybreak when we could start moving into shore. When a ship is going to dock all of her colors will fly. When out to sea the only flags on the masts are the MS flag, the NOAA flag, and the US flag.
Once we docked everyone was busy, I didn't get a chance to get a photo with the entire scientific party. We had 17 days together but we working so much a photo op didn't cross our minds. In this photo is Geoff and Sean from the NE labs, me, Bruce the other TAS, and Abbey - my roommate and a senior at the University of MN.
I hope to keep in touch with the entire bunch, you never know when another collaboration will surface.
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