Monday, November 29, 2010

Get on the horn and call your friends: NOAA TAS Deadline Tuesday Nov 30!!

photo: calling home in my room aboard the Oregon II before shipping out

Don't miss out on this great experience!!

Check all boxes that you will travel anywhere,
Check all boxes that you will go on any mission,
Check boxes that you will travel no matter how many days the mission,
Limit the dates that you can't travel,
If you can travel during the school year LET THEM KNOW.

I actually checked the box that stated 'under 2 weeks', but sometimes things happen and my mission was changed to 17 days. I took it anyway b/c this is a very competitive application and I didn't know if I would get selected again + the missions were filling up fast.

Good Luck!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

On the other end

So, I have mentioned that anytime you go somewhere, take down names. Sounds like a police investigator, but no matter where you are you can find an idea for your classroom or your professional development.

Today I took my son to Ohio University for the Ohio Chemistry Contest, and there I ran into a teacher I met summer 2009 at a STEM workshop. We talked about some of the projects that we have done since the STEM commitment and he mentioned his involvement in the Ohio Riverboat (?) Project. (WISH I HAD HEARD ABOUT THIS ONE EARLIER). We shared some macroinvertebrate sampling stories, but what kept going through my mind was: This teacher needs to apply to the Teacher At Sea Program. I gave him the information and I think he may apply.

I try to inform any teacher I know about the opportunity because that is how I found out, from another teacher that I shared a table with at a random science OGT (Ohio Graduation Test) meeting.

Networking has always been a top priority of mine, and with today's technology it is hard not to network!